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learning how to learn


The first principle is that you must not fool yourself, and you are the easiest person to fool. ——Richard Feynman


If you do well in your studies, the people of around you can feel threatened. The greater your achievement, the more other people will sometimes attack and demean your efforts.

The law of Serendipity: Lady Luck favors the one who tries.



  1. 实践,实践出真知,看一大堆书,也没啥意义。
  2. 请教行业内最顶尖的优秀的人
  3. 在枯燥的讲座中保持注意力:提问。比起被动的听讲,积极参与会让你学到更多东西。
  4. 发散思维:慢跑,户外锻炼。很多灵感会出现,但是要记得记录。
  5. 尽量一次做一件事,不要多任务切换,因为会有一定的效率损耗,但如果无法避免,那就锻炼自己从中途被打断后重新捡起的能力。
  6. 充足的空间:出去多和人交流。如果缺乏充足的空间,锻炼也会产生新的神经元(对学习和记忆特别重要)。
  7. 聪明并不一定成功,成功的关键在于 passion and persistence

potential unlock

The best way is: to do it every day!







  • imposter syndrome

change your thoughts

犯错误其实无所谓~ 重点在于敢于承认错误,并且去改进。就连诺奖得主都不认为自己是个聪明的人,会犯错。所以大家都是 ordinary,但如何 make an extraordinary,关键在于【perseverance】。

Empathy vs An occasional cool dispassion

虽然普遍认为 empathy 是好的,但实际上,总是拥有同理心,会让你在面对攻击,诋毁的时候很伤心&失落。因为你为自己所做的事情感到兴奋,同时假定了所有人都讲道理的,并且自然地,对我们存有善意,但事实其实并不是,你就是遭遇打压,竞争。 所以在面对这些负面的境遇时,更需要 cool dispassion.

The value of teamwork

当自己处于专注模式下时,常常会在提出假设或者进行计算时犯一些小错。右脑喜欢质疑,左脑喜欢保持现状。 我们必须要交替使用左右脑(也就是在你自己 review & recheck 的时候,右脑会起作用)。 然而个人的力量终归还是有限,这时候就需要团队成员一起的协作,讨论,for remove blind spot。 有时候队友的一点小建议,甚至会为你的人生带来巨变。而学习小组的就是尽量减少闲聊,确保学习的主题没有脱离正轨。成员需要预习。需要遵守规则。

A test checklist

  • Did you make a serious effort to understand text?
  • Did you work with classmates on homework problems?
  • Did you attempt to outline each homework question before discussing it with classmates?
  • Did you participate actively in homework group discussion?
  • Did you consult with the instructor/teach assistants when you were having trouble?
  • Did you understand all of your homework problem solutions before the assignment was handed in?
  • Did you ask in class for explanations of homework problem that were unclear you?
  • If you had a study guide, did you carefully go through it before the test and convince yourself you understood all material?
  • Did you attempt to outline lots of problem solutions quickly without spending time doing the algebra?
  • Did you go over the study guide and problems with classmates and quiz one another?
  • If there was a review session, did you attend and ask questions about any concepts or ideas that you were unsure of?
  • Did you get a reasonable night's sleep before the test?

Hard start

Hard start and jump to easy. 全局的 overview 很重要,可以尝试先去解决一个难的问题,但是一旦你发现你在上面被卡住了 1-2 分钟,那就立马跳开,去做简单的题。 The purpose of this action is: diffuse mode active. 紧张的时候:深呼吸缓解焦虑。以及一种心理暗示是,你怎么看待你紧张状态的原因会影响你实际的生理表现。所以给自己一个正向的心理暗示也很重要。 在一场考试中,如果你是从前往后做的题,那你就可以从后往前检查,这样会更容易找到错误。 在平时练习的时候,遇到选择题可以把答案遮起来,看看自己的答案是什么,再去看选项。 double-check your answer using a big-picture perspective. asking yourself: "Does this really make sense?"


极度不愿意去做的事情 ⇒ 好比激活大脑中的疼痛区域 ⇒ 停止负面刺激 ⇒ 转移注意力

真正着手去做不喜欢的事情 ⇒ 神经上的不适消失

how to tackled it: ways that don't take much will power.


  • 25min
  • no break
  • focus
    • negative emotion 旁置
    • 关注 process, 而不是 product(it will trigger brain pain)
  • rewards

habit 4-steps

  • cue
    • location
    • time
    • how you feel
    • reaction
  • routine => zombies mode
  • reward => feeling of pleasure
    • 和《力量》中介绍的内心小游戏梦幻联动了,哈哈哈哈。想象自己成功后的奖励(暗自打赌)。
    • 奖励的大小可以根据成就的大小来分配
  • belief => It can be changed.



  • weekly key task lists
  • daily plan before sleep
  • 每天早起先做最重要又最讨厌做的事
  • 规定结束时间也很重要(fun & work & life balance)
    • 看到别人 5 点就下班,完成一整天的任务,真的是羡慕了

The motivation of learning

acetylcholine - focus & memory

  • sleep
  • food(fish, egg)

dopamine - passion

  • get unexpected rewards
  • regular exercise

serotonin => emotion/social life & risk

  • 肉类,坚果, 鱼油, 亚麻籽油等食物
  • 明亮的光线: 增加日照
  • happy memory
  • avoid coffee, it will be minus the serotonin


illusion of competence

  • recall (repeat separate & retrieval practice)
  • context (big picture)
  • value of making mistakes
  • mini-test
  • deliberate practice (It's difference key between the good student and great)

long-term memory

  • spacing learning & recall(AnKi)
  • repetition (morning & night)
  • speak out loudly
  • hand writing is also important
  • image memory(visual picture)
  • creating meaningful group

how to memory

  • metaphor and analogies open helped

可以将自己的家,自己熟悉的空间,路途当成记忆的场景去回想。 初期构建想象世界可能需要花费一些时间,一旦开始构建,后期就会越来越熟练,所花费的时间也会越来越少。 但这对记忆却是特别有帮助的~


  • 思维定式 => mindset can make you lose some good idea.

how to become a good learner

physical exercise

It's the best gift for your brain.



The prefrontal cortex is involved in

  • complex analysis in social behavior
  • decisions making
  • planning making

how to chunk

  • focusing on what you are doing.
  • context: 学知识不是为了知道,如果它没有对你产生任何改变,那它就是无意义的。
  • action: not just seeing or listening. you have to take some action! you have to practice it!