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academic task 1

learning Objectives

  • write a 150-word essay in 20 minutes using information that is given in the diagram or graphic in the correct order.

skill tips

time schedule & sentence constructor

  1. 5min plan

  2. 12min write

  3. 3min revise


  1. what's the graphic about, don't write any idea that does not show in the graphic.
  2. which are the most important detail.
main task

type of graphic title of graphic feature: who what where when topic sentence: do not use the same sentence in the title.

sentence construct

write 3-4 paragraph essay: 【1】a short introduction, 【1-2】one or two short body paragraphs, 【1】and a short conclusion. Goal:

  • 2 sentence introduction(A topic sentence: summary & compare):
  • one sentence: summarizes the information in the graphic.
  • second sentence: makes a general statement about the relationship of the data.
  • 4-7 sentences in each of the one or two body paragraphs including a topic sentence and detail/comparisons.
  • 1-2 sentence conclusion



Paragraph1: introduce: 翻译题干 use different words. Topic sentence:

  1. The bar chart below demonstrates the average daily sales of certain food items at the Vista Cafe in different times of the year.
  2. It can be seen that the average number of sales of each item changed with the season

Main idea: summarizes the comparison you are making. Paragraph2: Topic sentence: The average daily sales of selected food items in winter. Paragraph3: Topic sentence: The average daily sales of selected food items in summer.


Paragraph4: conclusion


The bar graph shows how many servings of certain food items are sold on average every day in two different season at the Vista Cafe. The average number of sales of each item changed with the season.

Certain food items has much higher sales than others in the winter. Hot coffee had the highest number of sales, with an average of 75 servings sold daily. Following this, the item with the second highest number of sales was soup, with an average of 50 servings sold daily. Salad and ice cream had average daily sales of 25 servings each, and ice coffee had the lowest number of sales, with close zero servings sold daily.

The sales numbers for each food item were different in the summer compared to winter. Iced coffee sales rose significantly to an average of 40 servings sold daily. The item that had the second highest number of sales was ice cream, with an average of 35 servings sold daily. Hot coffee sales fell to just 30 servings daily. Soup and salad had the lowest number of sales, with 25 serving sold daily on average.

In general, the average daily sales of each food item changed when the season changed. Certain items were more popular in the winter, but certain others were more popular in the summer.



key: Proceed and Changes, analysis the diagram promote.The difference between before and after. transition words: first, second, next, then, etc. passive voice & tense(Past or Present)

Section 1 - Introduction

  1. First sentence describes the topic/you can also paraphrase 2/3 words in the prompt.
  2. Second sentence summarizes what happens from beginning until the end. DON'T include any examples or specific details


official Rubric

Addressing the task

  • [graphic]Thesis Statement
  • [graphic]Main Ideas
  • [diagram]Topic sentence/Paraphrase the Prompt
  • [diagram]General Statement/Overview


  • [graphic]Main Idea - Paragraph
  • [graphic]Supporting Details
  • [diagram] Process of steps or changes - Before and after.


  • introduction - Conclusion
  • Transition Words

Lexical Resource

  • Vocabulary Variety
  • Spelling

Grammatical Range and Accuracy

  • Sentence Variety
  • Accuracy

academic task 2

learning Objectives

  • write a 250-word essay in 40 minutes.

skill tips

time schedule & sentence constructor

  1. 10min plan

  2. 25min write

  3. 5min revise


You may be asked:

  1. agree or disagree
  2. describe advantage and disadvantages
  3. discuss two points of view and give your opinion.
  4. suggest solutions to a problem.
  5. answer two questions.


  1. The reason you are going to give. agree or disagree, why?


Has to contain 3 things

  1. describe the topic(tell the reader what the essay is about.)
  2. thesis statement(tell the reader what type of essay you have, 5 types of essay we said before). Both views and your opinion.
  3. main idea/specific reason for your thesis statement(tell the reader why you agree or disagree by providing specific reasons that you will explain in your body paragraph)



Topic: in some parts of the world, the rate of divorce has increased dramatically over the past few decades.

【describe the topic】 The divorce rate is increasing in many places. 【cause idea】 I believe that the breakdown of the extended family and the stresses of work are the major causes of this situation. Fortunately, although these issues have led to a rise in the divorce rate, there are ways we can solve this problem.

Main idea: Breakdown of the extended family past: family helped with child care. past: family helped with expenses. Now: people don't have this support.

In my opinion, the biggest cause for divorce is the breakdown of the extended family.

In the past, a family was made up of parents, grandparents, children, and other relatives. This meant that expenses could be shared in times of financial difficulty. These days, people do not have this kind of support from their families, and this puts more stress on a marriage.

【conclusion】 There are a lot of demands in modern life that place stress on marriage and lead to divorce. However, people can choose to make changes to their lifestyle that can result in a better, stronger marriage. ::::
